Friday, 21 November 2014

Task 6: Magazine Proposal - PRESENTATION

Audience Feedback:

When watching please consider...

1.) Did I cover all the main points?
2.) What did you like about my presentation?
3.) Would you buy 'TUNES'? 
4.) Any suggestion for improvements?


  1. 1. You covered everything apart from a flat plan.
    2. I liked how you went into a lot of detail and it was very clear and organised.
    3. I would buy 'TUNES' as you presented it in an eye-catching and interesting way.
    4. You just need to include your flat plan.

  2. 1. yes you covered all the points and the presentation was well explained.
    2. i liked the presentation and the prezzi, it really was described well and it was a good pitch.
    3. yes i would buy 'TUNES'
    4. just explain why you have chosen this pricing in a lot more detail.

  3. 1) Everything was covered
    2) I like the level of detail you went into during your magazine, especially regarding social media and psychological pricing
    3) I would buy 'TUNES' as it seems innovative, lively and unique.
    4) Howver, tell is £3.99 suitable for the younger sector of your audience?
