Sunday, 14 December 2014

Task 9: Front Cover Construction PROGRESS 4

Last Stage of Construction for Front Cover

This is the last stage of constructing for my final magazine front cover. During this stage I began to add more sell lines since there was a lot of spaces, therefore I decided to add more sell lines so it'll fill in along with the alignment. For this sell line I've also decided to use the same fonts style as the main cover lines, since I've used 3 fonts style in which I want to keep it a minimum of 3 fonts style; as different fonts style can make the magazine looks too cluttered, therefore it'll make my magazine looks less proficient.  

For this sell line I added 'Urban Outfitters' discount code, in which I made the '50% discount code' much bolder and I've added different colour as well so it contrasts along with the other sell lines fonts colour, it also follow my colour scheme as well which I find it very effective. The reason why I made the '50% discount code' bolder, so it'll grabs the reader attention more along with 'INSIDE' in capital letters which could refer that only this music magazine is giving out free discount code; therefore, it'll attracts the readers more, as the bold and capital letters is capturing their attention. 

After, I've also added more sell line in which I made this sell line more stylized by adding gradient effects to the fonts. Since this sell line is about 'street fashion' in which it contrasts along the term of 'fashion', as the fonts looks very stylized and distinctive.

Lastly, I added barcode, dates and issues number since these 3 thing are the main convention of an magazine front cover. On the other hand, I've also placed a QR Code since we live in a generation where we use technology frequently, in relation it meet my distribution of a magazine in my magazine proposal. 

Overall, this is how my magazine front cover looks and please do comment on what you like about it, and if there's any changes or improvement I should make... thanks :) ! 

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